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Instructor Support


Instructors play a key role in facilitation, redirection, offering feedback and guidance, particularly in an online setting. Good Instructor support also includes timely response to questions and discussions. Teachers may post FAQs, offer phone or email assistance, expectations as to when the teacher is available and when  feeback and grading will occur and direction to additional research materials. Video conferencing may also be an option for face-to-face time.







Statements of expections such as this can be found in the course syllabus:

My direct number is xxx-xxx-1234. Calls are accepted between 8:30 am-2pm on MW; 4-6pm Thursday. Texts messages are acceptable; please include whom it is from. I respond to email generally within 24 hours. I do my best to have assignments reviewed within 48 hours with feedback. Email is the best way to contact me, however, feel free to call and leave a message if you get voicemail. When emailing me, please include the assignment number in the subject line and include a return phone number within your signature line. If you need clarification on anything, please contact me.

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