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Avoid Burnout

Teaching online can quickly lead to burnout if boundaries are not set. Early in the course setting expectations is necessary for the instructor and the student. For example, letting students know how and when to expect feedback or grading and when the instructor is available for discussion or clarification will help both parties alleviate frustration.


Set aside at least one full day for family and friend obligations that is separate from the online forum. Keeping a healthy work/home life will benefit the teacher and the student and elimnate resentment and burnout.





Additional Resources:


Other strategies for avoiding burnout are to have a plan for organization. Keep a calendar with appointments and reminders. Quickly answer emails as they come in and have an electronic file system including one with action items that must be completed. Use rubrics to reduce grading time set limits on when you will log in on the computer. By utilzing a plan, teachers can create a healthy balance between work and home life.

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