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A Little About Me

Education Beliefs

Being an educator is purposeful. I believe it is a much greater role than simply teaching someone to read or multiply. It is about developing a confidence in another person to accept information and how to apply it in one’s own life and helping that person become a life-long learner. It is about promoting exploration and a safe place to fail. It’s about feeding a person chunks of new information and allowing them to be curious about it in a way that is familiar to them. It is about knowing how and when to push an individual beyond their comfort zone because they are capable of more than they think.


It was a conscience decision to work in a Title 1 district because I believe an educator’s role is to help develop the whole child and many of my students had needs beyond the classroom. I had been one of them and I know how important some of the relationships with my teachers have been in developing my motivation to be more. During hurricane Katrina, we were one of the only districts to remain open because our students needed a place to shower and meals to eat. Amidst the current pandemic crisis, I can’t help but think of the children who are missing two meals a day and left to their own device because supervision is not available. Education is about managing a person from their basic needs because hunger children don’t have the attention span to consider the importance of a parallelogram or the difference between a comma and a semi colon.  I believe in the theory developed by Maslow that basic human needs such as food, water and safety must be met before higher learning can occur.


Instructional Practices

In the classroom, I work to create an environment that evokes curiosity and employs Inquiry-Based Learning by planting questions that lead to investigation and evaluation. This theory lends itself to a constructivism theory in that it promotes exploration, investigation and sharing of ideas from their experience and addresses multiple learning styles. By utilizing microlearning and presenting single information units, students can better digest and process new information. Instruction objectives reflect cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains.


Classroom Management

My authoritarian style of classroom management has allowed me to offer structure and high expectations, while still allowing students the freedom to share their views. Maintaining consistent academic and behavioral goals sets expectations for students and offers structure sometimes not received outside the classroom. While structure is in place, however, my classroom offers visually motivating messages, music when appropriate, and relaxed reading areas. In a virtual classroom environment, I frequently share motivational content and media and constructive feedback.


In summary, my classroom philosophy comprises a warm, welcoming environment where students are encouraged to explore, experiment and collaborate. Students have opportunities to build on their own experiences by researching and reflecting on questions and comments from classmates. It is important to me to act as a role model, a mentor and a leader for students beyond merely academic instruction, but also to provide guidance to meet psychological and emotional needs. It is about an investment in the whole person and providing information about opportunities beyond what is currently known by the student. As the first person to complete college in my family, I am grateful a teacher invested in my well-being, shared encouragement and planted possibilities in my mind. As an instructor, I believe I have a responsibility to coach others by exposing them to information in creative ways and help them envision a life beyond what they know.

Philosophy: About
Magazine Pile


Teaching Credentials

MA Communications with an Emphasis in Education

Grand Canyon University-August 2020

BS Professional Writing

University of Houston-DT-December 1992


​Web Instruction Certification 2016


Texas Teaching Certifications

(8-12) ELA-2008 to 2022

(EC-12) Art-2009-2022

(4-8) Generalist 2008-2022

(EC-12) ESL 2009-2022

Philosophy: Welcome


Past Positions

January 2020-Current


Currently, I offer freelance service as a Professional Communication Consultant with breadth of writing styles and more than 20 years in education, sales and marketing. I have experience working with private, non-profit and corporate organizational communication needs including press releases, event planning, training, social media and SEO content management and creative marketing plans.

February 2014-March 2019


As Communications Director, I oversaw the education events for children and adults. This included conducting training for teachers of Pre-K-K students, art and cultural workshops for children ages 5-15 and fiber workshops for seniors 65 and older. All curriculum was developed in-house to meet standards and needs for auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners. Lessons were comprised of verbal instructions, written guides with pictures and hands on activities.

August 2016-May 2017


I taught PreK-9th grade students visual and cultural art education using the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills as guidelines for curriculum. Students developed skills for self-expression through visual art, apply art skills to real-world careers and participated in several state art competitions. In collaboration with teachers of core subjects, projects were aligned to compliment students course of study.

August 2008-February 2011


As a teacher for 6th-8th ELA, Journalism and Art at Waller ISD, I developed and utilized curriculum to instruct TEKS while incorporating ELPS modifications to accommodate all student groups. I served on the Foundation Learning Team and was selected as the INTEL Program Instructor to train staff on how to incorporate technology into their classroom. Later, in 2014, I was asked to serve as an After-school Administrator for the ACE learning program. I hired and trained teachers, developed curriculum to incorporate STEM learning and collaborated with primary teachers to help remediate students challenged with passing state exams.

Philosophy: CV
College Students in Corridor

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."


Philosophy: Quote
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